March 9, 2025

Friday Chit-Chat (Makeup as well as Otherwise): Being Out of Practice, as well as Entering new Phases in Life

Feelin’ this
Heya, hot pocket! ?? First, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my lids for the “cruel summer” they’ve endured thus far. It’s been a particularly “taupe” season, which I guess in the grand scheme of traumatic makeup horrors isn’t Armageddon-caliber, since at least I had the wherewithal to line my lash lines as well as incorporate one or two matte browns, however ya know…when you’re bonding with a dental hygienist at a new dentist’s office as well as she asks what you do for a living, as well as you say, “I write about makeup!” you know much better than to wear taupe for three months straight.

So I’m trying to get back in the game a little… But, dude, I feel so outta practice!


Has this ever happened to you?

You practice as well as practice as well as browse blogs as well as view hours of YouTube videos until you finally get to where you start to feel like you’re getting good at doing your eyes, however then life happens as well as you stop practicing or wearing makeup as much as you had been. Then, when you get the urge to get back into makeup once again after your hiatus, the looks you had been able to do seem practically impossible?!

On ‘ze lids today: the Wandress Fever eye as well as cheek palette by wander Beauty
That’s precisely how I felt today

This bronze eye wasn’t challenging as far eye looks go, however I’ve embraced streamlined eye makeup over the last couple years, so wearing an eyeshadow base as well as three different shadows is now akin to performing NASA-level math for me, like E = MC-what-the-hell-am-I-doing-with-this-satiny-purple-in-the-outer-corner.

And the eye look without any type of blush — just MAC Hyper real foundation in Bronze FX used as a highlighter
These are cool. —> They’re like liquid versions of Strobe cream in different colors.

Oh, as well as these pics don’t show how this eye look looked originally…

Please tell me you’ve done this before: You think you’re finished with an eye look, as well as you think it looks pretty good, however then you take a long, close look in the mirror — like really, really close — as well as it’s like WHAT THE EFF just HAPPENED!?


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

It’s so true, though! I don’t know why, however when I first tried this look, I unknowingly took the shimmery bronze waaaay too high up as well as out as well as ended up looking like an additional in an ’80s aerobics video. That’s my eternal eye makeup struggle, BTW — drawing the eyeshadow too far up as well as out.

A quick fix

To fix it, I soaked a Q-tip with eye makeup remover as well as cleaned up the makeup on the outer third of my lid so I might renovate it, however I kept the rest of the shadow intact (because I didn’t want to start over).

Was this lazy, or industrious?

(Probably a little bit of both.)

Same eye look, however with blush as well as a pink lip
A new phase

I think this sudden urge I’ve had to push myself much more with makeup is tied to Connor Claire starting preschool next week. I guess I feel like I’ll have much more breathing room to take care of myself? lots of mixed emotions (including guilt) running through me best now. I know preschool is going to be sooo good for her…but likewise for me? I can’t help however feel a little melancholy about leaving this phase of our lives behind… It’s been our little world for the past two years, as well as it’s never gonna be like this again. ?

But before I get too sentimental as well as cry off my makeup…

Let’s get back to it. I skipped blush at first as well as paired the eyes with a brick brownish red lip (Chanel Jumbo Longwear Matte Lip Crayon in 267 Impulsion), as well as I originally tried to do the lips without a liner, however I couldn’t get a crisp edge using the chubby pencil tip, so it was MAC Lip Pencil in Auburn to the rescue!

FYI, I played with makeup today!
In situation you’re wondering, these Chanel Jumbo Mattes are the type of matte lippies that are juuuuuust matte sufficient to not appear harsh, as well as they aren’t drying whatsoever either.

I likewise tried on a pink lipstick (because why the heck not?), as well as I ultimately put on some blush (because there was one in the palette, and, again, why the heck not?).

Quickie reviews of the makeup I’m wearing in this look…

NARS Brow Perfector in Komo — long-lasting as well as looks natural

Wander charm Wanderess Fever palette — bronzy, simple to blend

NUDESTIX Magnetic Matte Eye color in chocolate — a helpful neutral base for bronze/brown looks

NARS Climax Mascara — all about the volume, layers well

Estee Lauder double wear Light in 4.0 — love of my life, SO GOOD

Chanel Longwear Matte Lip Crayon in 267 Impulsion — stays put as well as isn’t drying

MAC Lip Pencil in Auburn — This intense brownish red is very useful forΦθινόπωρο χείλος φαίνεται.

Περιπλανηθείτε κραγιόν γοητεία σε ζεστό κουτσομπολιό – ένα όμορφο ζεστό ροζ

Mac Hyper Real Ίδρυμα στο Bronze FX – Απολύτως όμορφο για τα λεπτά, φυσικά σημεία. ΑΓΑΠΗ!

Estee Lauder Διπλή φοράει Προσαρμοσμένη προστασία Διόρθωση Duo – Χρησιμοποιείται αυτό αντί για Concealer κάτω από τα μάτια

Mac καφέ επένδυση – ένα μακροχρόνιο, καταπληκτικό εναλλακτικό σε μαύρη επένδυση

Ενημερώστε με αν έχετε οποιοδήποτε είδος ερωτήσεων σχετικά με οποιοδήποτε τύπο αυτών.


Η φιλική γοητεία της γειτονιάς σας,



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